Menopause Matters: More Employers are Expected to Offer Menopause Benefits in 2024
With four generations in the workforce, benefits are no longer one-size-fits-all. Menopause is frequently viewed as a hushed topic, laden with stereotypes and age-related biases. Conversations about menopause are sometimes met with embarrassment or dismissal, perpetuating the notion that it’s a private issue not suitable for open discussion.
Breaking through these stigmas requires fostering an environment where open dialogue and education can flourish, allowing women to seek support, share experiences, and access necessary resources without fear of judgment or marginalization.
More than 1 million women in the United States experience menopause each year and approximately 15 million U.S. women from 45 to 60 work full-time. This means many will experience menopause symptoms and setbacks, while on the clock. It would be naive and dismissive to believe symptoms associated with menopause are paused during the workday.
Symptoms and challenges associated with menopause can significantly affect a woman’s daily life, including her performance at work. Symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating can impact productivity and overall well-being. Failure to address these issues can lead to a loss of talented employees, a decrease in productivity, and decreased workplace morale.
Enhancing support for Women’s Health to include this stage of life, is of the utmost importance. Menopause costs U.S. women an estimated $1.8 billion in lost time per year, this is according to a Mayo Clinic study, where researchers surveyed more than 4,000 participants at four Mayo Clinic sites in Minnesota, Arizona, Florida, and Wisconsin. Roughly 15 percent of the participants said they’ve either missed work or cut back on hours due to menopause symptoms, which the study classified as “adverse work outcomes.”
Similar to offering student loan assistance and mental-health support to appeal to Gen Z, and fertility and caregiving benefits to draw millennials, mid-life benefits are important to retain and support Gen Xers who are likely senior leaders in their organizations, navigating the many challenges of mid-life while continuing to climb the corporate ladder.
Much like Baby Boomers who in the 70s fought to eradicate improper treatment of pregnant women in the workplace, which led to employers accommodating pregnant and breastfeeding women at work—today, many workplaces have rooms for women to pump breast milk, without shame. Generation Xers are not staying quiet on the roller coaster that is menopause and its effect on activities of daily living.
This year alone we’ve seen an increasing number of companies from across the globe begin the process of offering benefits that address specific mid-life health and lifestyle concerns. Biotech giant Genentech, Microsoft, Palantir, Adobe, and Nvidia, as well as firms in other fields like Bank of America and Bristol Myers Squibb, the pharmaceutical giant based in New York, and Abercrombie & Fitch, are among a small but growing number of U.S. businesses offering menopause benefits.
In a recent study conducted by Bank of America, in partnership with the National Menopause Foundation, they found employees with access to menopause benefits share having a positive impact on their work in at least one way, mostly by allowing them to bring their best selves to work.

What does enhanced support for women’s health look like?
Inclusive workplaces value the diverse needs of their employees. Recognizing menopause as a natural part of a woman’s life and offering support for its challenges fosters an environment of inclusivity, demonstrating an employer’s commitment to gender equality.
Addressing menopause symptoms can lead to improved productivity. Providing resources, such as flexible work arrangements or access to healthcare professionals specializing in menopause, enables women to manage their symptoms effectively, minimizing disruptions to their work.
Supporting employees through menopause can lead to reduced healthcare costs in the long run. Proactive measures, such as educational programs, counseling, or wellness initiatives, can mitigate the need for extensive medical interventions.
Educating both male and female employees about menopause. Training sessions or workshops can help break the stigma surrounding menopause and encourage open dialogue.
Offering flexible work schedules or remote work options can empower women to manage their symptoms more effectively, allowing them to balance work and self-care.
Providing access to healthcare professionals, such as gynecologists or menopause specialists, enables women to seek guidance and treatment tailored to their needs. Insurance coverage for HRT, which could help both employee and employer —women stay healthier and their employers save money.
Embracing menopause benefits is a strategic move that not only supports female employees but also strengthens the overall fabric of an organization, fostering inclusivity, productivity, and employee well-being.

Menopause Matters: More Employers are Expected to Offer Menopause Benefits in 2024